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The Telepresence Revolution

The Carbon Disclosure Project has published a report entitled The Telepresence Revolution.

Key findings are:

An individual business implementing four telepresence rooms can reduce its CO2 emissions by 2,271 tonnes over five years. These reductions are equivalent to the annual GHG emissions from over 400 passenger vehicles.

From an economy-wide standpoint, US and UK businesses with annual revenues of more than $1 billion can cut nearly 5.5 million metric tonnes of CO2 emissions by 2020 as a result of deploying a total of almost 10,000 telepresence units.

These reductions are equivalent to the annual greenhouse gas emissions from over one million passenger vehicles. US firms can reduce CO2 by 112,000 metric tons in 2010 to 963,000 metric tons in 2020, a total of almost 4.6 million metric tons in cumulative cuts in CO2. These reductions are equivalent to the annual greenhouse gas emissions from almost 880,000 passenger vehicles.

NB: as a baseline comparison for these figures, the UK's total national GHG emissions are currently about 575 mill tonnes CO2 eq. So the saving for the US and UK combined is equivalent to about a 1% cut in UK emissions.

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