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Swedish Climate Certification for Food

This news comes from FCRN mailing list members in Sweden:
The Swedish Climate Certification for Food initiative is now up and running.  The scheme was initiateed  in 2007 by KRAV and Swedish Seal (Svenskt Sigill) in order to develop a climate certification for the food chain. Currently, the project is managed in cooperation with several major Swedish food companies: Milko, Lantmännen, the Federation of Swedish Farmers, Scan and Skånemejerier.

This news comes from FCRN mailing list members in Sweden:
The Swedish Climate Certification for Food initiative is now up and running.  The scheme was initiateed  in 2007 by KRAV and Swedish Seal (Svenskt Sigill) in order to develop a climate certification for the food chain. Currently, the project is managed in cooperation with several major Swedish food companies: Milko, Lantmännen, the Federation of Swedish Farmers, Scan and Skånemejerier.
The scheme’s approach is to produce a certification scheme that can be used as a plug-in-module for existing sustainability labels or standards for food production in order to insure quick introduction and impact on the market.  No carbon footprint is presented; the criteria are based on a scientific scan of climate impact in the food chain. The idea is to embed climate measures into the development of broader sustainability actions rather than to treat it as a stand alone issue.  Products certified so far through this method are ham, frozen spinach, milk, tomatoes, fish and tulips. 
For more information see here.

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