This working paper from the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG), discusses Brazil's agroecological policies, and discuss them in relation to what the authors call the ‘Brazilian agricultural dilemma’ or the contradictions and conflicts of disproportionately supporting large-scale agribusiness for export over small-scale family farm production for domestic consumption.
The paper is part of a new One Pager series on Social Protection and the Post-2015 Agenda. The objective is to bring together different views and contribute to the ongoing global discussions about priorities for the post-2015 development agenda.
You can read the full paper here or see the One Pager version here.
For more on this topic, read the interview where we invited three agroforestry experts (one of them André Gonçalves from Brazil) here. You can also browse through other resources relating to agroforestry in our research library here.
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