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Summary of report commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Food

There is ongoing and considerable interest in the organic versus conventional question. Do organic systems generate higher or lower levels of greenhouse gas emissions? There are a great many studies, and a great many different conclusions.

Some examples are as follows:
Evaluation of conventional and organic agricultural production in relation to primary energy inputs and certain pollution gas emissions, summary of report commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry (BML), Bonn, Murphy DPL, Roever M and Heinmeyer O., 2000.

There is ongoing and considerable interest in the organic versus conventional question. Do organic systems generate higher or lower levels of greenhouse gas emissions? There are a great many studies, and a great many different conclusions.

Some examples are as follows:
Evaluation of conventional and organic agricultural production in relation to primary energy inputs and certain pollution gas emissions, summary of report commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry (BML), Bonn, Murphy DPL, Roever M and Heinmeyer O., 2000.

The report concludes that whatever the system, reduced use of nitrogen based fertilisers can play an important part in reducing agriculture based greenhouse gas emissions.

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