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Suite of financial, legal and governance resources for food co-ops


In partnership with Making Local Food Work, Co-operative UK’s has launched a suite of financial, legal and governance resources for community enterprises

Co-operatives UK, the trade association for co-operative enterprises, has developed the resources with experts as part of the Making Local Food Work programme, a £10m project funded by the Big Lottery Fund that supports community food enterprises across England.

The suite of resources, available both online and as hard copies, is free to use and includes:


In partnership with Making Local Food Work, Co-operative UK’s has launched a suite of financial, legal and governance resources for community enterprises

Co-operatives UK, the trade association for co-operative enterprises, has developed the resources with experts as part of the Making Local Food Work programme, a £10m project funded by the Big Lottery Fund that supports community food enterprises across England.

The suite of resources, available both online and as hard copies, is free to use and includes:

  • Simply Finance – pooling expert advice on financing a community enterprise
  • Simply Legal – pooling expert advice on legal structures
  • Simply Governance - a comprehensive guide to efficiently and effectively running a community enterprise
  • Online governance audit - a tool to allow enterprises to assess and diagnose how they are being run
  • Online select-a-structure - a tool allowing fledgling enterprises to find the most appropriate legal structure for their needs

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