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Study: corporations perceived as being greener than they actually are

Sustainability brand consultants Change have published a study in partnership with the organisations Climate Counts and Angus Reid Public Opinion. The study incorporates both actual measurements on climate change action being undertaken by over 90 companies across North America, and perception measurements of these companies’ actions by consumers.

Companies include Coca-Cola, Groupe Danone, Nike, Gap, P&G, L’Oreal, Microsoft and

The actual scoring on climate change action was provided by Climate Counts as part of their annual climate change study of well-known consumer companies. The perception measurements, meanwhile, were provided by Angus Reid Public Opinion, and include over 2,000 American adults in a random sample.

The companies were grouped by sector, and the results illustrated in perception / reality maps. In total, 10 sectors were mapped. Across every sector, MapChange showed a disparity between actual sustainability activity of brands, and consumer perception of sustainable activity of those brands - some were perceived as being greener than they actually are, while for others the opposite is true.

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