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Special issue on food security in Science: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People

The journal Science has published a special issue on food security, with articles ranging from precision agriculture to the role of mixed crop-livestock systems to general overviews of the "feeding the 9 billion" challenge. A particularly interesting paper on the challenge of feeding 9 billion people is amongst them.

Food Security: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People, Godfray H C J, Beddington J R, Crute I R, Haddad L, Lawrence D, Muir J F, Pretty J, Robinson S, Thomas S M and Toulmin C (2010), in Science 12 February 2010: 812-818

This paper provides an overview of the challenge of feeding 9 billion people - it looks at approaches to closing the yield gap, the need for "sustainable intensification" GM, waste, dietary changes and aquaculture.

It concludes by saying "The goal is no longer simply to maximize productivity, but to optimize across a far more complex landscape of production, environmental, and social justice outcomes."

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