The journal Agriculture for Development invited the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) to produce a special issue which provides a broad-ranging selection of articles, news from the field, and book reviews in the area of climate smart agriculture.
The articles included are:
Girvetz E, Corner-Dolloff C, Lamanna C, Rosenstock T. 2017. ‘CSA-Plan’: strategies to put Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) into practice. Agriculture for Development 30:12-16.
Wollenberg E. The mitigation pillar of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA): targets and options. Agriculture for Development 30:19-22.
Dinesh D, Aggarwal P, Khatri-Chhetri A, Loboguerrero Rodriguez AM, Mungai C, Radeny M, Sebastian L, Zougmoré R. 2017. The rise in Climate-Smart Agriculture strategies, policies, partnerships and investments across the globe. Agriculture for Development 30:4-9.
López Noriega I, Dawson IK, Vernooy R, Köhler-Rollefson I, Halewood M. 2017. Agricultural diversification as an adaptation strategy. Agriculture for Development 30:25-28.
Loboguerrero Rodriguez AM, Hansen J, Baethgen WE, Martinez Baron D. 2017. Climate services and insurance: scaling climate-smart agriculture. Agriculture for Development 30:31-34.
Nyasimi M, Huyer S. 2017. Closing the gender gap in agriculture under climate change. Agriculture for Development 30:37-40.
van Etten J, Steinke J, van Wijk. 2017. How can the Data Revolution contribute to climate action in smallholder agriculture? Agriculture for Development 30:44-48.
CCAFS has a brief introduction and links to all the articles here.
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