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Sainsbury's launches 20 by 20 sustainability plan

Sainsbury’s has published details of a £1 billion sustainability plan.

  • The Sainsbury's 20 by 20 Sustainability Plan sets out 20 sustainability targets to be achieved by 2020.The commitments address four key areas of focus:
  • Sustainable and Healthy Products - including Best for British: By 2020, the company will double the amount of British food it sells
  • Operational Excellence - By 2020, it will reduce operational carbon emissions by 30 per cent in absolute absolute and 65 per cent in relative terms, compared with 2005.
  • Colleagues: By 2020, 20,000 of employees will have reached 20 years service at Sainsbury's.
  • Communities By 2020, the company will create 50,000 new jobs in the UK.

Environment related targets in more detail are as follows:

  • All key raw materials and commodities sourced sustainably according to an independent standard
  • Own brand products not to contribute to global deforestation
  • All fish independently certified as sustainable
  • Supply chain sustainable in areas of water vulnerability
  • Sales of Fair Trade products to hit £1 billion
  • Double the amount of British food sold
  • All animal products sourced from suppliers who adhere to independent higher welfare standards
  • Suppliers will be leaders in meeting or exceeding Sainsbury’s social and environmental standards
  • All waste put to positive use
  • Own packaging to be reduced by half compared with 2005
  • Operational carbon emissions reduced by 30% in absolute and 65% in relative terms compared with 2005. This is part of a broader target of an  absolute carbon reduction of 50% by 2030. Own brand suppliers to reduce carbon emissions across all Sainsbury’s own brand products by 50 per cent in relative terms

You can download the report and supporting material here.

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