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Report: Growing pains: the possibilities and problems of biofuels

This report from Christian Aid argues that the debate on biofuels needs to focus not on whether some biofuels can deliver or are better than others, but instead on the policy model that is pushing biofuels, which it argues is fundamentally flawed.

This report from Christian Aid argues that the debate on biofuels needs to focus not on whether some biofuels can deliver or are better than others, but instead on the policy model that is pushing biofuels, which it argues is fundamentally flawed.

It argues that this model has led to a huge waste of public funds to support biofuels that, in many cases, increase climate change and contribute to other significant social and environmental problems. However there are positive examples of small scale biofuel production and use that Christian Aid partners are piloting and that could help poor people. In summary, Christain Aid argues that biofuels:

  • Can only a be a very limited part of the global economy and efforts to tackle climate change
  • Can deliver carbon savings although such savings are not guaranteed and need to be clearly identified, taking into account all land use impacts
  • Should be subsidised only on a basis of self sufficiency, support to small farmers and a shift towards decentralised, clean energy for the poor

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