This is the 4th edition of The Green Economy Index™ (GGEI): “Measuring National Performance in the Green Economy”. It is created by Dual Citizen and it measures the performance of 60 countries and 70 cities in the green economy and how experts assess that performance.
Insights and data from the GGEI inform policymakers, international organizations and private clients with intelligence to advance their reputation and performance in the green economy.
The winners of the GGEI 2014 are:
- Germany (perception) and Sweden (performance) top the 2014 GGEI, confirming a trend observed in prior editions of strong results by Germany and the Nordic states. Besides performing well on both the economic and environmental areas of the GGEI, these nations display consistent green leadership and receive global recognition for it;
Covered for the first time in this edition, Costa Rica performs extremely well, ranking third on the GGEI performance measure behind Sweden and Norway and receiving strong recognition on the perception survey, an impressive result for such a small country;
- Like in 2012, Copenhagen is the top green city as ranked by Dualcitizen’s survey of global experts, reinforcing the continued strength of the Danish green brand. Tracked for the first time this year, Vancouver and Singapore also rank in the top 10 of green cities.
The UK comes at 8th place in the perception ranking and 20th place on the performance ranking. The report describes their ranking in the following way:
- While the United Kingdom performs adequately in most areas of the GGEI, it doesn’t excel on any one topic, possibly due to inconsistent political rhetoric and policy related to green economy there. While gradually improving in each successive GGEI edition, the UK still lags behind its northern European and Nordic competitors.
Read the full report and see the various indicators used to rank the countries here.
You can find more resources related to the green economy concept here.
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