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Report on carbon offsetting, agriculture and Copenhagen

Econexus, Biofuelwatch, Grupo de Reflexion Rural and NOAH - Friends of the Earth Denmark have produced a draft report entitled: Agriculture and climate change: Real problems, false solutions.

Econexus, Biofuelwatch, Grupo de Reflexion Rural and NOAH - Friends of the Earth Denmark have produced a draft report entitled: Agriculture and climate change: Real problems, false solutions.

The paper provides a short critique of some of the approaches that are being proposed for incorporating agriculture into a post-Copenhagen climate agreement and for mitigating agricultural emissions. The report highlights some of the ethical and practical problems of carbon offsetting schemes in general before going into some of the more agriculture-specific problems in the case of no-till, min-till and biochar.

It also looks at other proposed mitigation measures, including the intensification of agricultural production, the development and application of GM technologies and increased used of marginal lands for food growing. It concludes by arguing for a greater recognition of the multi-functionality of agriculture and for the role of small scale farmers, agrarian reform, greater openness and sharing of information and more farmer centred research.

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