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Report: Agrimonde: Scenarios and Challenges for Feeding the World in 2050

CIRAD and INRA have published the report of their Foresight exercise into possible farming and food systems worldwide in 2035. CIRA and INRA were commissioned to "produce scenarios of global and regional evolution in agricultural production, consumption and trade, as well as in scientific and technical knowledge on agriculture, with a view to drawing conclusions on the possible roles for research, public policies and international regulations."

There were three phases of work:

CIRAD and INRA have published the report of their Foresight exercise into possible farming and food systems worldwide in 2035. CIRA and INRA were commissioned to "produce scenarios of global and regional evolution in agricultural production, consumption and trade, as well as in scientific and technical knowledge on agriculture, with a view to drawing conclusions on the possible roles for research, public policies and international regulations."

There were three phases of work:

  • Part I. The Agrimonde platform: designing a platform for facilitating collective scenario development and debate
  • Part II. The construction and strategic analysis of two scenarios: first, the reconstruction of the existing “Global Orchestration” scenario of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA), to show possible dead-ends; and second, the creation of a new scenario, Agrimonde 1, with which it could be compared.
  • Part III. Debate: debate on the analyses and reflection concerning these scenarios, which may lead to recommendations and prospects for extending the platform. At this stage this part has only been outlined.

The attachments are available below.

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