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The Real Cost of Cheap Food

This book by Michael Carolan (an FCRN mailing list member) critically examines the dominant food regime on its own terms, by seriously asking whether we can afford cheap food and exploring what exactly cheap food affords us. Detailing the numerous ways that food has become reduced to a state, such as a price per ounce, combination of nutrients, yield per acre, or calories, the book argues for a more contextual understanding of food when debating its affordability.  The author argues that the social and environmental costs of cheap food will be paid for by future generations and in so doing examines a range of areas including international development, national security, health care, industrial meat production, organic farming, corporate responsibility, government subsidies, food aid and global commodity markets. The book concludes by suggesting ways forward, going beyond the usual solutions such as farmers markets, community supported agriculture, and community gardens.

The book is published by Earthscan (now part of Routledge).  FCRN members can buy the book directly from the publishers at 20% discount, by entering the discount code AF20 at the checkout. For more details see the outbound link on this page.   

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