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Protocol to facilitate green consumer choices in the EU

The European Food Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Round Table has launched a new protocol to help consumers make informed choices about their food and drink. It also aims to provide operators along the food chain with scientifically reliable and consistent environmental product information. The ENVIFOOD Protocol provides guidance for assessing the environmental impact of food, feed and drink products throughout their full lifecycles. The European Food SCP Round Table, aside from producing the ENVIFOOD Protocol, has also identified tools for communicating environmental performance, and mapped environmental challenges and good practices along the food chain.

To see the full pdf of the ENVIFOOD protocol here and read the press release on the EU Food chain partners launch here. Read more about the protocol here.

Read more about statistics on consumption trends and behaviour here and here. You can also find a special section in the Research Library on Policies and regulations here with a sub-category on food policy here.

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