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Protein mania: the rich world’s new diet obsession

Image: Sandstein, A chocolate-flavored multi-protein nutritional supplement milkshake (right), consisting of circa 25g protein powder (center) and 300ml milk (left), Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
Image: Sandstein, A chocolate-flavored multi-protein nutritional supplement milkshake (right), consisting of circa 25g protein powder (center) and 300ml milk (left), Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

This feature in the Guardian discusses the reasons for the current popularity of high-protein foods, explores consumption patterns between countries, and questions whether protein shakes have the same nutritional benefits as relatively unprocessed options such as salmon.

Read the full article here. See also the Foodsource building block What is malnutrition?

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