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Personal Carbon Trading: Economic efficiency and interaction with other policies

This report, published jointly by the Green Alliance and the Royal Society of the Art's RSA CarbonLimited project, assesses the potential economic efficiency of a personal carbon trading (PCT) scheme and its possible relationship with other (proposed and current) energy policies and trading schemes.

The report explores whether a personal carbon trading scheme would add value to climate policies that are designed to deliver emission reduction targets, by overcoming the barriers that currently limit the efficient functioning of economic instruments. Specifically the report considers the following questions:

  • Can a PCT fit with the current and proposed UK policy framework? ; if so:
  • What is the scale of the challenge, in terms of the emissions reductions to be delivered by individuals;
  • Do we have the policy framework to deliver this challenge?
  • If not, what is the gap in the policy framework that needs to be filled?
  • Is a personal carbon trading scheme the appropriate instrument to fill this gap?

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