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Online magazine: Feminist Food Journal - Milk issue

Feminist Food Journal

MILK, the inaugural issue of Feminist Food Journal, a new quarterly online magazine focused on the intersections of food systems and feminism, explores feminist perspectives on the contested liquid. Through diverse global perspectives, it considers what a feminist milk paradigm could look like and contemplates how we could get there.

MILK's nine written and audio stories address many questions: what it means to love an animal while exploiting it for its milk; who wins and who loses in the transition towards a higher-tech, alternative dairy industry; why milk has come to reify normative versions of masculinity, and more. In applying a feminist perspective to milk, we can see the often hidden ways that it has shaped and placed us as individuals, societies, nations, and as a whole, and unite in working towards a more equitable future. 

Read the full issue on Substack here. See also the TABLE explainer What is animal welfare?

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