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Online health network: PANacea

The National Heart Forum (NHF) has recently launched PANacea - a new global online network for physical activity and nutrition. PANacea is a tool for improving communication between public health practitioners in order to enhance quality of services, enable health initiatives to progress more quickly and with lower set up costs, support professional development through peer support and contribute to a stronger community that can respond to emerging challenges locally, nationally and globally.

Membership is restricted to certain user groups in order to protect the privacy of the closed community. Membership is open to those who work in the public health and in particular physical activity and nutrition. Membership is not open to those working in or on behalf of the processed food, beverage, alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceutical and weight loss industry.

PANacea is mainly user-driven, allowing users to upload information to share with peers.  A repository is provided where information such as documents, presentations, reports, case studies and tools can be shared and searched for. The repository enables practitioners to access national and international information and expertise at the point of care or for future planning of public health initiatives. PANacea also provides commentary from opinion leaders and access to the latest research. The repository has received funding from the Department of Health’s Innovation, Excellence and Service Development Fund (England) for the next three years.

For more information see here.

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