The UK Government has invested £160 million in a new Agricultural Technologies Strategy. This Strategy is intended to boost agricultural science and technology and it is aimed at delivering sustainable, healthy and affordable food for future generations. Described by some as new “green revolution,” investments will be focused on developing cutting edge technologies and taking innovative products such as “cancer-fighting” broccoli from the field to the shopping aisle. The strategy includes £30m for four agri-science research and innovation campuses set up by the Biotechnolocy and Biological Sciences Research Council.
The food industry is also expected to invest heavily in the strategy , the goal being to use the latest technologies to produce more food in ways that are less environmentally damaging.
To read the strategy go here. For the press-release visit the Gov.uk website here, and for coverage on the Foodmanufacture website click here. You can also read a story in the Farmers weekly here.
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