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New guidance on GHG reporting for the beverage sector

The Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER), a coalition of beverage industry companies and supporting partners, has launched its Beverage Industry Sector Guidance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting (Sector Guidance), Version 2.0.

The Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER), a coalition of beverage industry companies and supporting partners, has launched its Beverage Industry Sector Guidance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting (Sector Guidance), Version 2.0.

The Sector Guidance is, says BIER, the first greenhouse gas (GHG) guidance document to incorporate both enterprise inventory and product carbon footprinting approaches for a single industry. Included in the Sector Guidance are appendices on maturation of beverage alcohol, beverage retail and home refrigeration, transportation logistics and product distribution, and recycling allocation.

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