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MSc Thesis: Impact of Climate Change on Crop Water Use and Productivity: A case study of Bagmati River basin, Nepal.

The Bagmati River basin originates in the middle mountain region of Nepal and flows through Kathmandu - capital city of Nepal - to join the Ganges River in India. The river is major resource of irrigation in the basin especially in the Southern area because it is a flat alluvial plain and famous for its agricultural fertile land.

The Bagmati River basin originates in the middle mountain region of Nepal and flows through Kathmandu - capital city of Nepal - to join the Ganges River in India. The river is major resource of irrigation in the basin especially in the Southern area because it is a flat alluvial plain and famous for its agricultural fertile land.

The MSc research has quantified agricultural yield reductions in different climate change and climate variability scenarios due to possible changes in meteorological parameters in the upper and lower zone of the basin. To evaluate effects of climate change, the Bagmati River basin (3,700 km2) was divided into two upper and lower zones based on elevation difference. Statistical tools were used in the trend analysis and scenario development of climatic variables. Geographical Information System was used for catchments delineation.
Assessment of crop water use and productivity in the basins were carried out using

  1. baseline weather data and
  2. weather data modified by plausible future climate change through CROPWAT computer model.

Findings of this research would help Nepalese policy maker to mitigate devastating impact of climate change on rain-fed agriculture and to combat with risk of hunger in Nepal.

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