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Millennium Development Goals report 2010

The latest assessment of global progress towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals has been published. It finds that many countries are moving forward, including some of the poorest, demonstrating that setting bold, collective goals in the fight against poverty yields results.

For every life that has benefited from the establishment of a quantitative, time-bound framework of accountability, the MDGs have made a real difference.

But unmet commitments, inadequate resources, lack of focus and accountability, and insufficient dedication to sustainable development have created shortfalls in many areas. Some of these shortfalls were aggravated by the global food and economic and financial crises. Nevertheless, the data and analysis in the assessment provide clear evidence that targeted interventions, sustained by adequate funding and political commitment, have resulted in rapid progress in some areas. In others, the poorest groups, those without education or living in more remote areas, have been neglected and not provided the conditions to improve their lives.

You can download the report and associated press materials here.

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