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Marks and Spencer Plan A - progress reports

In January 2008 Marks and Spencer issued a press release detailing their progress in implementing Plan A, which the company launched in January 2007. The 2009 How We Do Business Report, which continues to document progress on Plan A was published in June 2009.

Plan A committed M&S to delivering 100 different sustainable development work streams to change Marks and Spencer over the next five years.

In January 2008 Marks and Spencer issued a press release detailing their progress in implementing Plan A, which the company launched in January 2007. The 2009 How We Do Business Report, which continues to document progress on Plan A was published in June 2009.

Plan A committed M&S to delivering 100 different sustainable development work streams to change Marks and Spencer over the next five years.

The company is now half way through the plan and reports that 39 of the 100 commitments are already completed and of these, 24 commitments have been extended to cover more ambitious targets.

Its key achievement on climate change has been to reduce CO2 emissions in the company's stores, offices, warehouses and delivery vehicles by nearly 100 000 tonnes, which is an 18% decrease on its 2006/7 baseline, despite extending trading space by 10%.

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