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Marks and Spencer extends Plan A commitments

Marks and Spencer has announced that it will be adding a further 80 commitments to its existing Plan A sustainability targets.

These new commitments span the company's five thematic sustainability pillars - climate change, waste, natural resources, fair partnership, and health & wellbeing - and are intended to complement the 100 targets that M&S has promised to achieve by 2012.

Key new targets include:

  • Build Plan A into every one of the 2.7 billion individual M&S products they sell each year by 2020 (50% of products by 2015) – ie. that each one of them has Plan A quality (eg. be MSC certified or fair trade or FSC etc)
  • Help 1 million M&S customers develop their own personal Plan A by 2015 and 3 million by 2020
  • Launch a £100,000 prize (Your Green Idea) for the best customer idea to help us green M&S
  • Offer employees free loft insulation and a paid day's leave to volunteer in the community
  • Launch a 5 year £50 million internal innovation fund to help the company identify and implement the breakthrough technologies of the future
  • Engage 10,000 farmers in its Sustainable Agriculture Programme
  • Engage all its food suppliers with a balanced scorecard that includes social, environmental and lean manufacturing requirements
  • Implement a process to ensure the company's clothing suppliers pay a fair living wage in the least developed countries it sources from starting with Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka
  • Source six key raw materials (soya, palm oil, coffee, tea, cocoa and leather) from sources that do not contribute to deforestation
  • Increase clothing recycling from 2 million garments a year to 20 million.

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