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Low carbon route map guidance for community groups

The Sustainable Development Commissions (Scotland) has published (in August 2009) a series of 6 guidance documents, for community groups wanting to apply to the Scottish Government's Climate Challenge Fund, one of which focuses on food.

The Sustainable Development Commissions (Scotland) has published (in August 2009) a series of 6 guidance documents, for community groups wanting to apply to the Scottish Government's Climate Challenge Fund, one of which focuses on food.

These "route maps" as they are called, are designed to help community groups develop realistic, effective carbon reduction projects. They all include estimates of the emissions reductions achievable as a result of various actions. The SDC website says that "While these are necessarily estimates, and in some cases rest on a range of untested assumptions, the aim is to provide a common set of figures for projects as they develop baselines and reduction plans. This not only allows the community groups to focus on project development, rather than searching for figures and calculators, it means that applications to the Climate Challenge Fund are - unless applicants choose otherwise for a particular reason - using a common set of metrics."

The others cover: project planning, feasibility studies, energy, travel and community buildings. You can find more information here.

The guidance documents were written by Osbert Lancaster, of Footprint Consulting (and on the FCRN mailing list). FC provides a more information on its website here.

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