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Love Food Hate Waste: pilot behaviour change project findings

The Waste Resources Action Programme and the National Federation of Women's Institute have just published the results of their Love Food Champions project.

The pilot project aimed to help consumers cut back on the food they waste through raising awareness and encouraging behaviour change by offering simple advice.

The partnership organisations (WRAP and NFWI) set up the Love Food Champions project to enable groups across the country to exchange advice and ideas on making the most of their food, and to see if they could waste less.

WI members recruited and then ran groups for local non-WI residents in their own communities. 10 project groups involving 81 households in all were involved and they met in their groups once a month over four months to discuss key behaviours that contribute to the amount of food waste produced in the home.

Before the project the group participants were throwing away 4.7kg of food per week - just slightly less than the national average - but after the project, they were wasting less than half this amount per household. The groups not only managed to cut back on the food they were throwing out, but also learned new skills on food management and cooking.

You can read coverage in the Independent on Sunday.

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