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London Rooftop Agriculture: A Preliminary Estimate of Productive Potential

This study will address what, in the author's experience, has been a recurring side item to many studies about urban agriculture, a subject which has recently received a marked increase in attention.

Rooftop agriculture, specifically its quantitative study has, as this study will attempt to illustrate, been tackled at best in a fragmented fashion. The interest is born from what the author perceives to be a possible confluence, particular to the current political climate, which has seen concerns over food, energy and climate animate architectural discourse to levels reminiscent of the mid to late 70s.

Rooftop food production holds a tenuous, idealistic stigma with limited perceived commercial application and a myriad of insurmountable logistical obstacles. The inertia to its serious consideration is of major concern as at the most basic theoretical level the activity demonstrates the capacity for benefits well beyond the immediate material output. Thus, this study is aimed at breaking through that inertia with what could best be described as a preliminary estimate of potential.

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