A new green energy initiative has been launched by the Japanese meat processor NH Foods. Their Global Water Engineering (GWE) Cohral plant (in Australia)will extract green energy biogas from the waste water stream of production, replacing millions of dollars’ worth of natural gas currently consumed by the company factory. It is reported that the effect of burning the methane will save the equivalent of 12,000 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to removing 2,700 cars from the road.
Food Navigator writes that: “The plant, the first GWE covered highrate anaerobic lagoon in the world, will produce 183.3 gigajoules of energy a day when it reaches design capacity through the combustion of methane produced. It also delivers highquality waste water by extracting organic content, which it converts into methane to replace fossil fuels. The anaerobic digestion technology involved can remove over 90% of organic waste content.”
Read the full article in Food Navigator here. For a more technical discussion see this article from Impeller net here.
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