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International knowledge hub to link climate change and food security research

BBSRC-funded researchers are invited to join a virtual knowledge hub in the area of agriculture, food security and climate change. This is under a new European Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) jointly led by BBSRC and the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA).

A programme of research will be enabled by the FACCE (Food security, Agriculture and Climate ChangE) Knowledge Hub, which brings together major European modellers in the areas of crops, livestock and trade to look at how climate variability and change impact on these models. Interested research groups, with BBSRC current funding in this area, are invited to express their willingness to join the hub.

This is part of the Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change JPI, which is designed to align national programming around these major global challenges. EU member states and associated countries work together under the JPI to a common vision and strategic research agenda. Partners will fund coordination costs to join the knowledge hub aimed at producing a detailed climate change risk assessment for European agriculture and food security.

For more information see here.


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