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Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - the definitive source of information on climate change - published its AR4 2007 synthesis report on 17 November 2007. This combines the findings of the first three reports (the physical science basis; impacts and adaptation; mitigation), all of which are also available on the IPCC website in full and summary version.

The available stages of the report are:

Working Group I Report: The Physical Science basis
See here for the full report.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - the definitive source of information on climate change - published its AR4 2007 synthesis report on 17 November 2007. This combines the findings of the first three reports (the physical science basis; impacts and adaptation; mitigation), all of which are also available on the IPCC website in full and summary version.

The available stages of the report are:

Working Group I Report: The Physical Science basis
See here for the full report.

Working Group II Report: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
See here for the full report.

Working Group III Report: Mitigation of Climate Change
See here for the full report (pre-copy edit version).

Working Group IV Synthesis Report.
See here for more details.

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