This report from the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) looks at how cities are finding innovative ways to implement food policies. It focuses on five case studies of cities that have developed concerted urban food policies − to either ensure access to decent, nutritious food for all, to support farm livelihoods or to mitigate climate change.
The five case studies are: Belo Horizonte's approach to food security (Brazil); the Nairobi Urban Agriculture Promotion and Regulation Act (Kenya); the Amsterdam Approach to Healthy Weight (the Netherlands); the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Plan (Canada), and Detroit's Urban Agriculture Ordinance (US).
The report, entitled ‘What makes urban food policy happen? Insights from five case studies’, was presented at the 2017 EAT Stockholm Food Forum by lead author and FCRN member Corinna Hawkes.
Read the full report and executive summary here.
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