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Inputs wanted for food waste collection and prevention literature review

The Waste and Resources Action Programme are currently working with SKM Enviros to undertake a literature review of published and unpublished research, which will assist in understanding how different methods of food waste collection interact and influence householder waste prevention behaviour.

The Waste and Resources Action Programme are currently working with SKM Enviros to undertake a literature review of published and unpublished research, which will assist in understanding how different methods of food waste collection interact and influence householder waste prevention behaviour.

WRAP would like to invite you to make a contribution to this work by submitting any relevant published and unpublished work for review. To help you determine whether you have any relevant reports which you would like to contribute to the study, the review of published and unpublished work will mainly focus on how different food waste collection schemes influence householder food waste prevention behaviour and will look to answer the following questions:

  • What is the existing level of householder awareness and understanding of the ways in which they can prevent food waste?
  • How do different types of food waste collection/disposal schemes influence the amount and types of food waste generated?
  • How do householders change their behaviour when new schemes are introduced and how is this influenced by different scheme configurations?
  • How do householder attitudes, values and behaviours change when food waste collections are introduced, including the way in which understanding of the scheme and the destination of the food waste influences behaviour?
  • How do waste prevention messages combined with food waste collection services influence householder behaviour and the decisions that they make regarding the route chosen to deal with food waste?

All reports will be used purely for the purposes of this literature review, and SKM Enviros are happy to treat any report you submit as confidential if you so wish.

Contact the SKM Enviros website for more information here.

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