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Ikea latest retailer to announce chicken welfare standards

Image: cuatork77, ROOSTERS, Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic
Image: cuatork77, ROOSTERS, Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic

Ikea has introduced a “Better Chicken Programme” aimed at improving animal welfare in the supply chains for its in-store cafes.

Measures include space requirements for chickens and limitations on antibiotic use. Compassion in World Farming has expressed concern that the measures are not as strong as previous commitments.

For more details, see here.  

See also the FCRN’s discussion papers Animal efficiencies, animal welfare: either/or, or both/and? and Breeding for productivity and breeding for welfare: what is the relationship? Other relevant information from FCRN can be found by searching the research library with the keyword ‘animal welfare’. Our Foodsource website includes a building block on animal welfare and relevant information in the chapter on livestock.

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