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IATP reports on agriculture and climate change

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy has written a series of six issue papers on different aspects of the role of agriculture in responding to the global climate crises. These papers collectively call for an integrated framework for climate change policy that emphasizes the unique role agriculture plays in the world.

The papers cover the following issues:

  • Paper 1: the link between agriculture and climate change – how agriculture impacts and how it is impacted by CC.

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy has written a series of six issue papers on different aspects of the role of agriculture in responding to the global climate crises. These papers collectively call for an integrated framework for climate change policy that emphasizes the unique role agriculture plays in the world.

The papers cover the following issues:

  • Paper 1: the link between agriculture and climate change – how agriculture impacts and how it is impacted by CC.
  • Paper 2: the capture of farming by agribusiness, the inequity in current systems of production and trade.
  • Paper 3: the issue of water and its connection with agriculture and climate change.
  • Paper 4: outlines a series of benchmarks for including agriculture within global climate talks.
  • Paper 5: criticizes the carbon markets approach.
  • Paper 6: argues that U.S. climate policy reduces agriculture to a carbon storage coffer, enabling other sectors to avoid emission reductions.

They have also produced a document summarizing all six papers. Everything can be downloaded, together with the press release, here.

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