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I will if you will

I will if you will, published by the Sustainable Consumption Roundtable (an initiative co-hosted by the Sustainable Development Commission and the National Consumer Council) makes recommendations for government and business to take radical action to help people tackle climate change and environmental problems and get damaging products out of shops.

According to the report Government and business are currently waiting on consumers to choose more 'green' products and services. Consumers are ready and willing to act on climate change and the environment, but can't see the point, because they feel their efforts would be isolated and in vain. Instead of waiting on consumers to make decisions on complicated environmental problems, Government and business must do it for them.

The report makes a series of recommendations to government and business as to how this might be achieved. It looks at a range of issues, from electronic appliances, to travel to food and along the way lists examples of sustainability in practice. Key to the argument of the report is that of 'choice editing,' the idea being that in a world of so much choice offering less but better choice is not only environmentally beneficial but offers practical gains to consumers and commercial advantage to business.

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