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Hungary to introduce a fat tax

Hungary will introduce a fat tax as of September 1 2011. From this date, Hungarian food manufacturers will have to pay a tax of 10 forint (€0.37) for foods bearing fat, sugar and salt at levels over a certain threshold. The Hungarian government says the tax will raise €70m per year – money which it says will offset public health costs of treating the consequences of high-fat,sugar and salt diets.

Hungary will introduce a fat tax as of September 1 2011. From this date, Hungarian food manufacturers will have to pay a tax of 10 forint (€0.37) for foods bearing fat, sugar and salt at levels over a certain threshold. The Hungarian government says the tax will raise €70m per year – money which it says will offset public health costs of treating the consequences of high-fat,sugar and salt diets.

See here for more.  

The Danish Government has already introduced a fat tax, see here.


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