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How much biomass can Europe use without harming the environment?

This briefing by the European Environment Agency outlines the merits and examines some of the environmental demerits of increasing biomass use.

The paper concludes that there is sufficient biomass potential in the EU-25 to support ambitious renewable energy targets in an environmentally responsible way but that achieving these gains and minimising the potential environmental downsides of bioenergy production requires careful planning from EU to local level. The report does not specifically address the socio-economic or policy aspects of the issue.

This briefing by the European Environment Agency outlines the merits and examines some of the environmental demerits of increasing biomass use.

The paper concludes that there is sufficient biomass potential in the EU-25 to support ambitious renewable energy targets in an environmentally responsible way but that achieving these gains and minimising the potential environmental downsides of bioenergy production requires careful planning from EU to local level. The report does not specifically address the socio-economic or policy aspects of the issue.

For more information see here.

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