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How China plans to feed 1.4 billion growing appetites

Image: Güldem Üstün, China (Beijing) Tasteful sea animals, Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
Image: Güldem Üstün, China (Beijing) Tasteful sea animals, Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

A National Geographic feature covers the ways in which China’s diet is changing and its food system is becoming more industrialised.

Meat consumption in China has tripled since 1990, and demand for processed foods has increased. Buying land in other countries is one strategy, but the government is also eager to see China produce most of its own food.

Family farms in China tend to be small and fragmented, making it difficult to use the industrialised farming methods common in the West. Clustering farms together may be one way to solve this. However, China also has sophisticated meat and dairy farms with high levels of automation.

See the feature here. See also the FCRN’s report on China’s food system, Appetite for Change, and nine related briefing papers.

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