This report from INNOCAT, a project set up to help encourage eco-innovation in the catering sector, showcases best practices from a group of cities working on procurement of food and catering services. The report takes a close look at school catering since this represents a significant share of the procurement budget of many local governments.
In the ICLEI coordinated City Interest group, cities such as Copenhagen, Malmö, Helsinki and Ghent and Turin collaborate and this report describes the different initiatives they have developed aimed at furthering their sustainability goals.
Published in August 2015, the INNOCAT Good Practice Report on Sustainable Public Procurement of School Catering Services highlights the many clever and innovative approaches being used by European public authorities to procure more environmentally and socially sustainable, and innovative catering services. The report includes a number of best practice case studies from cities across Europe, including Malmö (Sweden), Copenhagen (Denmark), Torino (Italy) and East Ayrshire (Scotland), and also provides a wealth of ideas, inspiration and further resources for those who are involved in the procurement of food and catering services for schools. Many of the examples in the report come from the INNOCAT City Interest Group, a group co-ordinated by ICLEI which includes the Procura+ Campaign participants Copenhagen, Malmö, Helsinki and Ghent and INNOCAT partner the City of Turin. In a series of webinars and face to face meetings, the group discusses their achievements, goals and the challenges they face as they strive to procure sustainable catering services.
Read the full report here. You can find related resources in the Research Library categories on Theories methods and tools, decision making tools, Consumer stage as well as keywords consumption and diets.
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