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Global Food Policy Report - IFPRI

The International Food Policy Research Institute has launched its inaugural Global Food Policy Report, the first in a new annual series. The Report provides a comprehensive overview of major policy changes at the global, regional, national, and local levels, as well as their significance for food and nutrition security.

The report covers trends and policies in relation to: global food prices and price volatility; disasters; climate change, biofuels, the agri-nutrition nexus; land; emerging players (industrialising economies, major philanthropists, the G20; public-private partnerships); and regional developments (Pages 4-6 of the report provide a useful timeline of key developments and events).

It points to some high-priority areas for action in 2012. First, the G20 should take further steps to rein in food price volatility by, for example, doing more to reduce the competition between biofuel and food production and to discourage trade restrictions that exacerbate price swings. Second, the international community should consolidate global and regional agricultural growth strategies and create or strengthen the institutions and capacities needed to make these strategies work. In particular, this year’s G8 summit should work to ensure that the industrial countries meet their financial commitment in support of a country-led development process for achieving food security in developing countries. Third, participants in the Rio+20 meeting should integrate economic, social, and environmental sustainability efforts and commit to concrete action to meet the long-term challenges of development, including poor nutrition, degraded soils, and scarce water. Finally, a broad intersectoral coalition should work together to address issues related to nutrition, food, and health.

You can read an overview, access the press materials or download the full report here.


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