Video recordings of the talks from the City Food Symposium of December 2014, hosted by City University London, are now available online. You will find downloadable files of the speakers’ presentations on the City University London website.
The Symposium aimed to summarise current thinking on how to address the challenge of sustainable diets and considered the different approaches taken by key sectors and actors in the current policy context at UK, EU, global and local levels.
For an overview of the sessions and direct links to each see below:
Session 1: Mapping a sustainable diet: the case, the lessons so far
1. Tim Benton (PDF)
2. Tara Garnett (PDF)
3. Jennie Macdiarmid (PDF)
4. Peter Scarborough (PDF)
Session 2: Addressing the problem at national State level
5. Corne van Dooren (PDF)
6. Lucia Reisch (PDF)
7. Dr Patricia Jaime (please see video)
Session 3: Addressing the problem at City/ Regional level
8. Leah Davis & Rosie Boycott (PDF)
9. Tom Curtis & Julian Cottee (PDF)
10. Mike Small (PDF)
Session 4: Addressing the problem through civil society
11. Tony Long (please see video)
12. Sue Dibb (PDF)
13. Sue Davis (PDF)
Session 5: Addressing the problem through business
14. Mark Barthel (PDF)
15. Jon Woolven (please see video)
16. Mark Linehan (PDF)
17. Joanna Lewis (PDF)
Grand Lecture
18. Olivier de Schutter (PDF)
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