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Food security website launched

BBSRC has launched a website to explore the issues surrounding the looming challenge of feeding a global population predicted to reach 9Bn by 2050, and the world-class UK research already underway to help avert a potential crisis.

The website is a multimedia resource with numerous social media features and provides an introduction to the food security issue. It includes background information on the food security agenda and facts and figures together with details about the impact of past research, current research activity and the scientific challenges ahead.

At the centre of the website is a new multi-author blog - the first on the web dedicated to food security and related research in the UK. It will feature posts from authors across the food security field, including researchers, farmers, industry leaders and consumers. Featuring an easy-to-use, no registration required comments section the blog will be an online destination for comment and provocative debate about different views on food security and different approaches to feeding the growing world population.

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