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Food: a recipe for a healthy, sustainable and successful future

The Council of Food Policy Advisors has published its second report setting out the long term issues that government has to address if it is going to deliver a successful and sustainable food strategy. It makes the following key points:

  • Food is an area of policy on which government can, and will need to, engage with people on issues of popular interest and economic, social and environmental importance.
  • A concerted effort is needed to foster consumer buy-in and promote demand-led change towards healthy, low impact diets.
  • Inequalities of access to healthy, low impact diets should be reduced by all means available.
  • The food sector should be given greater prominence in economic strategies.
  • There is more to do to secure the UK’s food production base whilst continuing to provide consumers with safe affordable food.
  • Food Research and Development (R&D) priorities must be balanced and responsive to needs across the food sector
  • There is a need for a new national conversation on how our land is best used.
  • Government, working with industry, should develop a cross-cutting greenhouse gas emission reduction plan for the food chain.
  • There is a robust moral as well as practical case for the UK to apply its resources and influence to food issues in the developing world.
  • Effective development and delivery of food policy will demand better coordination and engagement – with the industry, within Whitehall, across the UK, with the rest of Europe and globally.

You can read the report attached below.
To find out more about the CFPA see here.

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