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Food Matters - Strategy Unit report

A ten-month Strategy Unit project looking at food policy across Government was published by the Cabinet Office in early July 2008. Food matters: Towards a strategy for the 21st Century concludes that rising demand, climate change, and trade and productivity restrictions must all be addressed.

Commissioned by the Prime Minister, the report focuses on food issues in the UK and puts them in a global context. It draws together evidence about long-term trends in food production and consumption, and how food safety and nutrition impact on the health of the UK.

The report makes several recommendations, including that building on the Stern Review and drawing on the UK's world class science base, the UK should take a leadership role in looking at how the world can meet the twin challenges of climate change and global food security.

The Government's Chief Scientific Adviser is commissioning a major new project on this, which is announced today. It will explore how the food system and its associated policies will need to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

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