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Feeding the 5000

On the 16 December 2009 a free lunch made from delicious ingredients that would otherwise have been wasted was prepared for 5000 people in London. The aim was to highlight the ease of cutting the unimaginable levels of food waste in the UK and internationally in the days and weeks before 16 December 2009.

Feeding the 5000 received tonnes of generously donated fresh produce from farms, packers and markets - from the tonnes of produce that are 'outgraded' for being cosmetically imperfect and that would have been wasted though still good to eat.

On the 16 December 2009 a free lunch made from delicious ingredients that would otherwise have been wasted was prepared for 5000 people in London. The aim was to highlight the ease of cutting the unimaginable levels of food waste in the UK and internationally in the days and weeks before 16 December 2009.

Feeding the 5000 received tonnes of generously donated fresh produce from farms, packers and markets - from the tonnes of produce that are 'outgraded' for being cosmetically imperfect and that would have been wasted though still good to eat.

The produce was delivered to the food depot of FareShare. From there it was taken to the commercial kitchens given over for the event, where it was prepared into soup and other food for the day by an army of volunteers trained in food handling and preparation.

The food was delivered by FareShare to Trafalgar Square and prepared in time for the free lunch. Meanwhile, smoothies from fresh surplus fruit were made by a team of bicycle-powered smoothie makers and handed out to passers-by. Leading chefs, including Thomasina Miers, performed live cooking demonstrations and there were speakers from the food and farming industries as well as civic and spiritual leaders, including the Bishop of London.

For more, see coverage in the Guardian and the Independent.

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