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FAO State of Food Insecurity 2011 report

The FAO’S lates SOFI report examines similar issues and looks in particular at recent effects of high and volatile food prices.  Its key points are as follows:

  • Small import-dependent countries, especially in Africa, were deeply affected by the food and economic crises.
  • High and volatile food prices are likely to continue.
  • Price volatility makes both smallholder farmers and poor consumers increasingly vulnerable to poverty.
  • Large short-term price changes can have long-term impacts on development.
  • High food prices worsen food insecurity in the short term.
  • High food prices present incentives for increased long-term investment in the agriculture sector, which can contribute to improved food security in the longer term.
  • Safety nets are crucial for alleviating food insecurity in the short term, as well as for providing a foundation for long-term development.
  • A food-security strategy that relies on a combination of increased productivity in agriculture, greater policy predictability and general openness to trade will be more effective than other strategies.
  • Investment in agriculture remains critical to sustainable long-term food security.

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