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FAO Report: World Livestock 2011 – Livestock in Food Security

FAO. 2011. World Livestock 2011 – Livestock in food security. Rome, FAO

This thematic report expands on the 2009 State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) section which explored the multiple roles played by livestock in achieving food security for the poor; further advocating support for smallholders.  The report is an attempt to fill the gap; addressing a subject area that has been only partially addressed.  The report concludes that livestock make a positive contribution to food security but, at the same time, suggests that livestock need to be managed carefully to avoid externalities. 

Abstract as follows:

The first section of the report presents a global overview, examining the role that livestock play in various dimensions of food security. It describes the place of livestock products in human nutrition, the contribution of livestock to the world food supply and its stability, and it discusses the way that livestock can affect food access, particularly for poor families, as a direct source of food and a source of income.

The second section shifts from the global level to a human perspective, examining the way in which livestock contributes to the food security of three different human populations livestock-dependent pastoralists and ranchers, small-scale mixed farmers and urban dwellers.

The final part of the report looks to the future. It discusses the expected demand for livestock source food and the way that increased demand can be met with ever more limited resources. It reviews the drivers that led to the livestock revolution, how these have changed and what the implications will be for livestock contributing to food security.

The paper is open access and can be downloaded using the outbound weblink on this page.

It is also accessable to download below.

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