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European eating out habits

The EU project looks at out-of-home food consumption. Individual-based food consumption data collected in 15 European countries will be analysed in order to...

  • evaluate the prevalence of out-of-home food consumption;
  • identify out-of-home dietary patterns, including meals, foods, and nutrients;
  • compare dietary intake within and out-of-home, at national and regional levels, when possible;
  • evaluate the effect of sociodemographic, lifestyle, and anthropometric determinants on food choices when eating out;
  • compare the out-of-home dietary intake with national and international recommendations and estimate, through an innovative approach, optimal out-of-home dietary patterns.

The findings, after the evaluation of both food supply and demand, will be translated to a common strategic action plan for enhancing the quality and safety of out-of-home food choices of the European consumers.

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