In their two-part contribution to the Livestock debate on the website of Arc2020 (the agricultural and rural convention), the IPES representatives Olivier de Schutter, Hans Herren and Emile Frison discuss the environmental footprint of livestock, the need for livestock farming to be reintegrated into landscapes and the flaws in the current factory farming model; and they propose ways to address the challenges posed by industrial livestock systems.
In their two-part contribution to the Livestock debate on the website of Arc2020 (the agricultural and rural convention), the IPES representatives Olivier de Schutter, Hans Herren and Emile Frison discuss the environmental footprint of livestock, the need for livestock farming to be reintegrated into landscapes and the flaws in the current factory farming model; and they propose ways to address the challenges posed by industrial livestock systems.
Read the first blog-post here and the second one here. You can review the full #LivestockDebate of Arc2020 here.
You can find related resources in the Research Library categories on Primary production: agriculture and keywords Climate change mitigation, livestock, landscapes and intensive confined systems.
We also want to highlight the recent blog-post by Elin Röös for the FCRN “If farm animals only graze pastures and eat by-products – livestock problem solved?” and the recent discussion paper “Gut feelings and possible tomorrows: (where) does animal farming fit?”
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